The Andean Myth of the Condor

The Andean Myth of the Condor

The Andean Myth of the Condor

My favorite Quechua myth is the story of the condor and a girl, which was compiled by novelists like Jose Maria Arguedas and Johnny Payne. Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived with an old shepherd, who was her father, in the highlands of the Andes. She had the sheep, llamas and other animals taken care of from her father’s farm. (más…)

The Unsolved Mystery of the Disappearance of Walter Collins, His Mother and His Impostor

Walter Collins and his impostor

Walter CollinsWalter Collins and his impostor

I was reading on the Internet an interesting story about a missing boy whose mother never found him. On March 1928, Christine Collins gave her nine-year-old son Walter money for the cinema in Los Angeles, US. However, he never returned from the show. The disappearance was reported immediately, but, despite the police’s efforts, no trace of him was reported for five months. (más…)

An Exemplary Story of Perseverance

Mendizabal in the University

Mendizabal in the University

I was reading on the Internet an interesting story that was published on the website of La Gaceta. The headline said: “A man returned to University after 40 years and at 78 he received an engineering degree in Tucuman.” Here’s what the story was about. (más…)

My Trip to Huaraz

My friends Ericka, Viviana, and me in Huaraz.

My friends Ericka, Viviana, and me in Huaraz.

In March 2018, my friends Ericka, Viviana, and I traveled to Huaraz, a beautiful small province in Peru. We don’t traveled for many years before, and we were very excited about this opportunity. For this reason, we did some basic preparations rapidly but they caused some unexpected consequences. (más…)