A Difficult Written Quiz

I felt comfortable in many of the tests of my Advanced English Reading and Writing courses. Because many of the topics that I saw in classes I really had learned them when I was in high school, pre-university academies, and the University itself, the course was a bit easy for me. It means that in case of a difficult test, I could take advantage of my previous knowledge about strategies of reading and writing. And that day, a quiz was ready to do it.


A Night in Mundo Lingo Lima

I had had a big job day. After finishing a lot of tasks, reports and a public event, I felt a bit exhausted. However, before all that, I had agreed with a group of friends (former ICPNA classmates) to go to Mundo Lingo that night. Mundo Lingo is an exchange meeting where people met other people in order to practice foreign languages, like English, German, French and other. It usually happens in a bar at 9:00 p.m.


My New Website Domain

“Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.” Anonymous.

After a few days trying possible solutions for my website problem, I faced the possibility to drop my former hosting account, to buy a new one and a new website domain. I was interested in oscarroman.me because «ME» could be used to mean about me (like other modern websites). That means that I was going to correct a letter on my website direction of my business card and probably abandon my old URL.
